Fall has started!!! In my home I have changed the tradition of a spring cleaning to a fall cleaning. With the multiple inhalation allergies I have, it is important to do so every now and then 😉 And maybe you can join me! Now that the weather is changing and we are going to stay inside more, it is nice to have a clean home to come home to. Let’s light the (electric) candles and relax in a tidy home this fall!
With our modern lifestyles we spending about 90% of our time indoors, while actually we are made to be more outdoorsy. Indoors we come across poor ventilation, dust mite and molds. Different products we use and even our pets fill our indoor environment with pollutants.
Dust mite allergy is very common, especially in countries where we spend most of our time indoors. Dust mites are found in furnishing, pillows, carpets, clothing and mostly in your bed. Molds can also trigger allergic symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, eczema and asthma.
Let’s start cleaning!
Either when you have a sensitive skin, suffer from (inhalation) allergies or have non of these, it is always wise to choose cleaning products with the least amount of chemicals. Think about non-toxic products or low in perfume.
You could use a steam cleaner on floors, carpets and furniture to kill bacteria and dust mite; no soap or chemicals are needed, just water. By far the most healthy way to clean your house!
Don’t let the bed bugs bite…
Dust mite loves your bed! It is the right temperature, it is nice and humid and there is plenty of food… Thank heaven you can not see the little critters but we all know that they are there.
- wash your bedding in a hot wash of at least 60 degrees Celsius. Not a short wash or a cold one. Washing at this temperature will help to reduce the level of house dust mite in your bedding.
- In need, invest in anti-allergy mattresses and bedding. Â
Are you very sensitive for dust, dust mite, pets, pollen, fungi or other air pollution? Than it could be wise to invest in a vacuum with a good (HEPA) filter. This helps prevent these pollutants to get back in your breathable air.
- Using an air purifier could help you clean the air in your living environment and prevent molds.
- There are cleaning products to help you remove mold or prevent their growth. When sprayed on it is not so easy to prevent inhalation. It is better to go for a liquid formula.
- When fixing up your house, try to use a paint that prevents mold; especially on walls known to be sensitive for mold growth.
- To prevent mold from spreading; ventilate your rooms as good as possible. In the bathroom or while cooking, open some windows or use a fan to ventilate.
Clothing choices?
If you are using cleaning products or have your hands in hot water for a longer period of time; remember to wear (non-latex) gloves to protect your skin from drying out or irritation.
While vacuuming, a dust mask can prevent you from inhaling dust (mite) circulating around.
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